Join the new
era of Wi-Fi

Galgus provides AI-enriched Wi-Fi networks automatically optimized, ensuring the best connectivity for all users in any environment. Additionally, with Galgus Connect, we offer 5G Wi-Fi convergence to also improve coverage in scenarios of high network saturation.

We are your best strategic ally for your Wi-Fi going far beyond a good connection. We provide highly reliable location analytics to facilitate the decision-making process offering the best user experience, both physically and digitally.

Unleash The
Value of WiFi

Galgus amplifies the value that Wi-Fi technology can provide your business, with user experience at the heart of the strategy, by offering intelligent, self-optimized and cloud-integrated networks.

Unleash The
Value of WiFi

Galgus unleashes the value that Wi-Fi technology can bring to your business with user experience as its core, equipping you with cloud, intelligent and self-optimized networks. 

Wi-Fi enriched by AI and high-precision analytics for your business, destination or institution.

¿Cuáles son los principales retos que ayuda a resolver
Galgus Location Analytics?

Nuestra analítica de localización y presencia tiene un gran valor a la hora de que empresas e instituciones públicas afronten algunos de sus desafíos más importantes de cara a optimizar sus procesos y a ofrecer la mejor experiencia posible a clientes y ciudadanos.

Seguridad ciudadana

Agiliza la gestión de emergencias, así como facilita la vigilancia de zonas sensibles y/o restringidas, permitiendo alertar a las autoridades en tiempo real.

Control de aglomeraciones

Permite conocer el comportamiento de grandes masas de personas para poder dirigirlas de forma que se optimice la experiencia y se incremente la seguridad.

Optimización de recursos

Conocer los hábitos de usuarios y ciudadanos abre las puertas a una gestión más eficiente de los recursos materiales y humanos de empresas y administraciones.

Ofrecer la mejor experiencia

Location Analytics hace posible conocer con certeza las preferencias de las personas. Con esta información es más fácil dar forma a una oferta y a servicios adaptados a estas, así como reactivar la economía en ciudades y municipios.

Gestión de eventos masivos

Celebraciones, fiestas populares, acontecimientos deportivos y un sinfín de eventos ven mejorada su gestión gracias a la analítica de localización y presencia de Galgus.

Incrementar la productividad

Los entornos industriales y manufactureros pueden verse beneficiados, logrando una distribución de espacios y un diseño de operaciones más ajustada a la realidad de la planta.

¿Qué beneficios te aporta nuestro Wi-Fi potenciado con IA?

Son muchos los desafíos actuales para ofrecer a los usuarios una experiencia de conexión fluida, robusta y segura. Comprueba cómo desde Galgus les damos solución.

Máximo rendimiento en entornos con alta densidad de conexiones

Ofrecemos una conexión Wi-Fi de calidad en escenarios donde hay un alto número de dispositivos conectados simultáneamente a la red.

Adaptación de parámetros
en tiempo real

Adapta los parámetros de Wi-Fi en tiempo real en función de los patrones de tráfico de red, asegurando que cada dispositivo tenga acceso de calidad.

Consigue un mayor control de la red

Permite a los administradores monitorear y controlar la red tiempo real. Proporcionando información detallada del uso y rendimiento.

Reducción de costes en infraestructura

Elimina la necesidad de costosos controladores centralizados, lo que reduce los costos de infraestructura y lo hace más rentable que las redes Wi-Fi tradicionales.

Minimiza los puntos críticos

Con inteligencia descentralizada, elimina cuellos de botella y retrasos en la comunicación entre APs, reduciendo el riesgo de puntos críticos de falla en la red.

Escalabilidad y fácil despliegue

Tecnología diseñada para escalar con la red. Fácil de implementar, requiere cambios mínimos de hardware y software.

Greater connectivity, tangible ROI

Here are some examples of our clients’ ROI,
find out more in our success stories!


Longer lifespan of your Apps
X 0


International Patents


Detecting devices in the range of Galgus WiFi networks
0 %


Centralized Management
0 %

Our products

Discover everything Wi-Fi networks can do when enriched with AI.

Main sectors
that benefit from our technology

Despite Galgus’ Location & Presence Analytics being completely transversal, we can identify a series of verticals for which our technology is a key piece.

Smart Cities

We offer the most accurate solution on the market to understand the real behavior of residents and visitors.


Customers are looking for the best service and the best added value. Offer them a connection that meets their demands.


We offer passengers the best connectivity, whether during the journey itself or at the station or airport.


We adapt to each environment to provide a fluid connection, reliable in extreme environmental conditions.


We optimize the management of healthcare resources, facilitating the work of professionals and the patient experience.

Discover how Galgus can help multiply the value of your business

Get to know

Here is the equipment that will make it possible for you to enjoy our analytics and presence solution.

Indoor access points

Outdoor access points

Learn further about our Hardware

Read our success stories

Learn first-hand how we have implemented Galgus in different sectors:

wifi in stadiums

El Real Betis Balompié Maximizes Its Connectivity Capabilities With Galgus CHT Technology

Real Betis Balompié boasts one of the largest football stadiums in Spain. Through CHT (Cognitive Hotspot Technology), they have been able to enhance the performance and stability of their network.

Pilgrimage of El Rocío

Location & Presence Analytics for Large Flows of People

Galgus monitored the presence and behavior of the participants of one of the most crowded events at national level, such as the pilgrimage of El Rocío.

Las Rozas

Las Rozas: Monitoring of Restricted Areas

The project entrusted to us by the Las Rozas Local Police, and which we carried out together with our partner SmartIT, was to monitor the presence of people in a restricted area during nighttime and alert for their evacuation in real time.

Success story

Wi-Fi connectivity and Location Analytics at the Junta de Andalucía headquarters

We are undertaking the largest Wi-Fi project in Europe and Location Analytics in the world, deploying our equipment and technology in more than 10,500 public buildings.


Connectivity and advanced analytics

With Galgus CHT technology, we are able to optimize the design of the network system, offering a 3D simulation to improve coverage, channels and the location of access points.

Adif manages to reduce its infrastructure costs by 34%, thanks to Galgus CHT technology.

New in Galgus

Galgus Connect: Wi-Fi/5G Convergence

Galgus Connect is our newest solution that allows the user to automatically switch between phone and Wi-Fi networks depending on which one offers a better voice and data communication experience.

A especially valuable innovation for environments where the 5G or 4G network is particularly saturated or where coverage is very poor.

¿Why Galgus?

Connectivity, security, innovation

What do our clients say? The most relevant experts in the market and your technological partners.


Better customer experience for your clients

Find out how customers like you have been able to respond to the great challenge of having robust connectivity focused on user experience.


Providing reliable solutions

Find out what market experts have to say about Galgus. In addition, Galgus is recognized by Gartner as a technology provider in the Indoor Location category.


Boost your business growth

You have available a network of local, scalable partners, willing and trained to transform your connectivity to another level of maturity.

Trust Galgus


We are very grateful and proud that our work to help companies and administrations improve the quality and security of their Internet connections are recognized by many national and international institutions, as well as by our clients and partners.

We are members of the Wi-Fi Alliance and have its CERTIFIED Passpoint seal, which guarantees top security and interoperability of our technology.

Gartner names Galgus as one of the top global providers of Location Analytics technology in the market and is featured in its Market Guide.

Galgus was awarded “High Performer” by G2 in the 2024 Summer Report. A platform that rewards the best technological solutions based on the user experience of the clients themselves.

Users love Galgus

Galgus’ user experience stands out with 9 badges in G2 Summer reports based on customer feedback.

Empowering Infraestructure & Operations Leaders to transform the user experience

Transform your connectivity, here and now

We are here to help you build a better user experience, streamline management and monitoring of your connectivity.

How to start?

Focus on what matter, the customer experience

By 2025, 50% of organizations will be using cloud-based network management platforms as the main method for setting and supporting their networks. Currently, their usage is less than 15%, according to Gartner.

The reality today is that leaders in communications infrastructure have obsolete solutions focused on network speed and availability, a commodity for our customers. At Galgus we focus on what really matters, the customer experience.

We empower you to transfomr
your customer's experience

Forget network availability issues. Start developing your strategy to a better customer experience.

Barceló Sevilla

Here, we share the case of the Barceló Hotel Group, in which they explain how they developed more than 200 access points throughout the hotel to improve the quality of service to their customers.

Real Betis

Discover the Real Betis Balompié success story told by Antonio Jiménez – CIO of the club – where the challenge was to provide a network that was able to self-optimise and scale appropriately.

Comfica –

We tell you about the case of Comfica – Adif, where the challenge was to create a Wi-Fi service in Barcelona Sants and Zaragoza stations and reduce 50% of the costs in APs.

Discover our success stories

Connect with your clients & users with no limits


An experience that will meet your expectations and needs, at any moment, time and location.



Availability, Including WiFi 6


Times more
x 0

Reduce TCO by

centrally managed through software
0 %


Times longer the life
of your APs
X 0

Robust and Secure WiFi, With Advanced Analaytics

A Cloud Platform capable of managing your network remotely, with real time analytics, and the highest security standards.

A solution tailored to suit each and every context


We offer a wide range of network devices, software and professional services to suit the needs of modern Wi-Fi infrastructures.


Indoor APs

Indoor APs

The most popular with our customers. Optimises resources in real time and provides analytics, ideal for different indoor environments with a high density of users and use, such as hotels, hospitals, airports, stadiums, schools, among others.
More information

Outdoor APs

Outdoor APs

The perfect choice if you’re looking for an omni-directional outdoor wireless network. Thanks to its robust aluminium package, it’s resistant to rain, dust and sunlight. Perfect for any outdoor environment with high user density and use
More information



With our switches you can create a robust, reliable and safe structure for your network. Our switches are suitable for any architecture and can be used to provide connectivity to your access points or to integrate with our Cloud Manager.
More information



Get connectivity wherever you need it. Whether you're on a bus, on a boat or in a hotel in the mountains, you'll have WiFi with our routers.
More information

What’s new at Galgus

What's new in Wi-Fi 6 and what benefits does it offer?

The differential value of WiFi 6 lies in the increased efficiency and maintenance of connections even in highly congested networks, resulting in an overall improvement in the user experience. A game changer in IoT scenarios or in diverse indoor or outdoor environments.

What’s New in Galgus

What's new in Wi-Fi 6 and what are its advantages?

The differential value of WiFi 6 lies in the increased efficiency and maintenance of connections even in highly congested networks, resulting in an overall improvement in the user experience. A game changer in IoT scenarios or in diverse indoor or outdoor environments.

Why Galgus?


They tell you. Our customers, the best market experts and your tech partners.


Use cases

Improve your customers' experience

Find out how other customers have been able to tackle the great challenge of having a robust connectivity focused on user experience.


Provides reliable solutions

Find out what market experts think about Galgus. Galgus is also recognised by Gartner as a technology provider in the Indoor Location category.


Boost the growth of your business

You have at your disposal a network of local, scalable, willing and trained partners to transform your connectivity to another level of maturity.

Galgus is recognized as
a Gartner Partner

Check out our awards

We are very grateful and proud that our efforts to help companies and administrations improve the quality and security of their Internet connections are recognized by various national and international institutions.

We are proud members of the Wi-Fi Alliance and we have the CERTIFIED Passpoint seal, which guarantees maximum security and interoperability.

Gartner names and features Galgus in Market Guide as one of the world's leading providers of Location Analytics technology.

Galgus was named a "High Performer" by G2 in the Winter Reports of 2022. A platform that rewards the best technological solutions according to the user experience and the clients themselves.

UsersLove Galgus

Galgus’User Experience Excels with 10 Badges in G2 Winter Reports based on our clients reviews.

Transform your connectivity, right here, right now

We’re here to help you create a better user experience, and streamline the management and monitoring of your connectivity.


Want to get started?