Innovación en conectividad y análisis de ubicación: cómo Galgus transforma la experiencia de viaje

Innovation in connectivity and Location Analytics: How Galgus transforms the travel experience

In the transportation sector, connectivity has become a fundamental necessity. Passengers expect fast, secure, and uninterrupted connections for both entertainment and productivity during their travels. With our innovative technology, we are revolutionizing the way companies offer connectivity to their users and enhance their services. Here’s how.

Connectivity Experience is Critical for Today’s Passengers

In an increasingly digital world, providing a satisfactory connectivity experience is crucial for transport operators. Passengers not only expect to stay connected during their travels but also seek fast, secure, and reliable connections.

This is important within the transportation medium itself and in associated stations, airports, and other facilities. A robust and continuous connection enhances passenger satisfaction and can be a decisive factor in choosing the mode of transport.

Benefits for Passengers of Having the Best Possible User Experience:

  • Uninterrupted Entertainment: Passengers can enjoy streaming services, games, and other online activities without interruption.
  • Productivity: A stable connection allows them to work or study and remain productive during the journey.
  • Communication: Keeps passengers connected with their loved ones, enabling them to inform about their travel progress, any delays, or how their vacation is going.

Location Analytics Opens the Door to Optimized Services

Location Analytics technology improves resource management, allowing for personalized and optimized services for passengers. By better understanding user behavior patterns and needs, managers can adapt their services to provide a more pleasant and efficient experience.

This translates into:

  • Offering recommendations and services based on passenger behavior and preferences.
  • Monitoring the flow of people and better managing emergencies and overall security.
  • Efficient space management: Optimizing the use of facilities and resources, improving operational efficiency.

Galgus Technology That Makes It Possible

Cognitive Hotspot Technology (CHT)

This technology allows access points (AP) to monitor their environment and automatically adjust network settings to optimize performance. The distributed intelligence of CHT eliminates the need for a centralized controller, reducing costs and improving efficiency.

Advantages of CHT:

  • Cost Reduction: Fewer access points are needed to deploy the network, significantly saving costs.
  • Dynamic Optimization: APs communicate with each other and make joint decisions to optimize the network in real time.
  • High Reliability: The network adapts to changing environmental conditions, ensuring a stable and high-quality connection.

Galgus Connect

Galgus Connect enables seamless convergence between Wi-Fi and 5G networks. This is especially valuable in areas with poor phone coverage, ensuring continuous and uninterrupted connectivity for passengers and staff.

Benefits of Galgus Connect:

  • Complete Coverage: Collaboration between Wi-Fi and 5G ensures full coverage.
  • Smooth Transition: Automatic and seamless switches between networks, maintaining connectivity at all times.
  • Supports Telecom Operators: Eases the burden on the 5G network by relying on Wi-Fi infrastructure.

Location & Presence Analytics

Galgus’ Location & Presence Analytics solution provides precise data on occupancy levels and passenger behavior. This technology can count devices, even those not connected to the network, with 95% accuracy, the highest in the market.

How We Apply It in Each Mode of Transport

African male using his phone while is sitting on a bench at the train station.


Galgus technology offers a high-quality flight experience, providing robust and reliable connectivity for entertainment and work onboard.

The access points installed in airplanes support a large number of devices used simultaneously by passengers.


For bus travel, Galgus ensures continuous and fast Wi-Fi connection, allowing passengers to enjoy high-quality content. The implementation of CHT reduces the number of access points needed, optimizing operational costs.


Galgus guarantees constant and reliable connectivity in trains, even in high-density user environments. The technology allows for unified cloud management and offers advanced analytics to improve the user experience.

Cruise ships

On cruises, Galgus provides a robust and secure Wi-Fi network, capable of supporting the demand of all passengers, even in adverse weather conditions. Galgus’ eco-friendly technology also helps reduce energy consumption.

There is no doubt that Galgus technology is transforming the transportation sector, offering advanced connectivity solutions that improve user experience and optimize resource management.

With our innovative approach and technologies like CHT, Galgus Connect, and Location & Presence Analytics, we are on the right path toward a future of robust and efficient connectivity across all modes of transport.

Want to talk about it? Contact us.      
