GALGUS - WiFi connectivity trends for 2022

WiFi connectivity trends for 2022

New year has begun and it looks set to be an exciting one in terms of improving WiFi connections. We are eager to know what the next 12 months will bring, but we already have some notions of what will mark the new year. We want to share them with you in this article. Here are 6 trends to keep an eye on.

6 trends that will shape WiFi connectivity in 2022

1.- WiFi 6 and WiFi 6E

The deployment of WiFi networks under the WiFi 6 and WiFi 6E standard is already a reality. In fact, Galgus equipment already has WiFi 6 in stock to be distributed as quickly as possible to our customers. However, 2022 will be the year when this new version of WiFi will finally take off.

According to the latest WBA (Wireless Broadband Alliance) Annual Industry Report, by 2022, 83% of service providers, equipment manufacturers and enterprises worldwide will have implemented WiFi 6 or WiFi 6E or plan to do so by the end of the year ahead.

WiFi 6 brings with it numerous advantages that are driving this trend. Among the most outstanding is that its new modulation allows data to be sent at higher speeds in the same bandwidth. A key quality to offer the best possible service in environments with high demand for connections.

2.- Digital divide

During 2022, we must continue to work to minimize the digital divide in its different forms and its effects on society. This is an unavoidable path if we want to minimize the inequalities it generates. For example, in access to education, to public services, to collaborate in participative policies, etc. A gap that can be more pronounced in vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, minors and people at risk of exclusion.

Among the initiatives being developed in this regard, 2022 will be a year in which the government’s Digital Spain 2025 program will continue to be implemented. Among its main goals is the disappearance of the digital divide between rural and urban areas, with the objective of 100% of the population having 100 Mbps coverage by 2025. On the other hand, emphasis will also be placed on closing the digital divide in education to meet the demands of the labor market.

From Galgus, we will continue working to bring a quality, secure and free WiFi connection to rural environments, as we do through the European WiFi4EU program. We are also able to deploy wireless networks in educational centers, fostering the learning capabilities of students while enjoying other benefits for the entire educational community.

3.- Geolocation

Today, no one doubts the value of geolocated data or Location Analytics in a wide variety of environments and applications. They provide us with information from which we can take great advantage. For example, by knowing the behavioral habits of tourists in a municipality, its managers will be able to create experiences tailored to their tastes and expectations.

Private companies also benefit from this. As an example, retail establishments will be aware of peak and off-peak times, effectively managing the necessary resources for each case.

WiFi technology goes far beyond providing network connectivity, as it also has the ability to geolocate assets within its area of influence, regardless of whether users are connected to it or not. A quality that will be on the rise in 2022. According to Verified Market Research, between 2020 and 2027, the geographic information market will improve at a compound annual growth rate of 10.35%.

GALGUS - WiFi Trends 2022

4.- Hybrid WiFi-5G networks

Although it may not seem so at first glance, 5G and WiFi technologies are perfectly compatible, and very good benefits can be gained by implementing hybrid WiFi-5G heterogeneous networks.

Both technologies work together. In fact, there are many devices that offer the possibility of connecting both ways. Some options are:

  • Steering: you have to choose to connect to the WiFi or 5G network.
  • Switching: the connection is automatically switched from one network to another depending on which is the most efficient at any given time.
  • Splitting: both technologies work simultaneously.

In other words, these heterogeneous networks allow you to enjoy the advantages provided by both types of connectivity, without having to give up any benefits. This 2022 you will have to pay close attention to them, as 5G will continue its escalation. According to The Ericsson Mobility Report, 5G subscriptions are expected to exceed 1 billion worldwide by 2022.

5.- Artificial intelligence and automatization

Artificial intelligence has already established itself in many environments as a key technology for identifying growth opportunities. Thanks to its algorithms, it is possible to optimize resources and detect trends that would be impossible to recognize without this form of advanced analysis of large amounts of data.

As a result, 21% of companies are already using artificial intelligence in their operations and 43% are contemplating adoption, according to an IBM study.

WiFi networks incorporating artificial intelligence have very advantageous functionalities. These include automatic channel assignment, dynamic power control and connection balancing between different access points. These features are offered by Galgus CHT (Cognitive Hotspot Technology), which measures and analyzes the environment of the access points and, thanks to its AI algorithms, automates the control of network resources to make it optimal.

6.- Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is one of those trends that are always with us, and more than justifiably so. The growing trend of cyber-attacks, triggered since the pandemic with the increase in network activity, teleworking and e-commerce, among other causes, means that we must remain alert to all existing malicious techniques.

The Digital Trust Survey 2022 report, prepared by PwC, reveals that more than 50% of the participating companies expect an increase in cyber-attacks compared to 2022. In response, 69% will invest more in cybersecurity. Of these, 26% want this investment to be at least 10% of their budget.

Among these investments, you should consider investing in your WiFi network to protect it from intrusions that result in the loss, hijacking, theft or modification of sensitive data. Among the recommended measures is the use of WPA3 encryption, a must for WiFi 6. As far as Galgus is concerned, our solutions have robust cybersecurity measures capable of detecting and neutralizing network attacks.

So far this compilation of the master lines that will mark WiFi networks in 2022. As it could not be otherwise, in Galgus we will be attentive to the development of each of them, as well as to include those that may arise. To make sure you don’t miss them, we recommend you to visit our blog frequently and follow us on social networks (Twitter, LinkedInFacebook and Instagram). Do you want to be part of the Galgus community? We are waiting for you!

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