The best experience for your visitors

We improve the decision-making processon tourism management with real information on what happens in each area of ​​interest.

We help to better understand the time that tourists and visitors spend in a specific location, with the added value of origin-destination matrices to understand how people flow between the different areas of interest, and heat maps.

Our location and presence analytics can count devices, even if their Wi-Fi isn’t connected, with 95% accuracy.

We also provide high-performance Wi-Fi in any environment, from small towns to big cities, so your visitors are always connected and have a great experience.

Real-time information to optimize tourism management

Our CHT technology, together with Location & Presence Analytics, is a key tool for understanding the real situation in tourist areas. This allows us to obtain real-time information about tourists and their behaviour in the most relevant areas. With it, you can:
  • View heat maps, density or flow of people, analyzing the main entrances and exits to those areas.
  • Obtain real data on which areas are the most interesting for visitors in order to improve their experience.
  • Predict their behavior, estimating what will happen in the next hours, days, or weeks.
All this through a state-of-the-art analysis with patented AI algorithms to detect and track with great precision Wi-Fi devices near the network, even if they are not connected and/or randomize their MAC addresses. There is no need for users to collaborate, no applications, permissions, or BLE are needed. You just have to pass near our Wi-Fi nodes. Always respecting the level of privacy required by law, with data anonymized from the source (our access points). The results are presented using aggregated data, not about an individual and/or device.

Higher Connectivity, Tangible ROI

Here are some examples of our clients’ ROI,
find out more in our success stories!

of reliability by detecting devices in the range of Galgus WiFi networks.
0 %
On booking.com our average WiFi quality score.
Robustness and reliability of analytics.
x 0

How we apply our technology to the tourism sector

Discover our success stories

Santa Cruz neighborhood

Wi-Fi Location & Presence Analytics for smart tourist destinations

Tool to plan and manage more competitively the flow of people in the Santa Cruz neighborhood, an area with a very high density of visitors.

In this way, an improved experience could be offered to tourists.

Rocío Pilgrimage

Location & Presence Analytics for Large Crowds

Galgus monited the presence and behavior of the participants of one of the most multitudinous events at a national level, such as the Rocío pilgrimage.

Barcelo sevilla renacimiento

The hotel in Seville with the Wi-Fi best valued by its guests

Galgus deployed a total of 201 Wi-Fi hotspots, using our Cognitive Hotspot (CHT) technology. A deployment that has led them to obtain a score of 8.7 in the Wi-Fi rating of the Booking.com portal.

Hotel Royal Hideaway Sancti Petri

Hotel Royal Hideaway Sancti Petri

Galgus implemented a total of 360 access points, in addition to 40 switches and a firewall network enhancer, providing quality Wi-Fi service throughout the hotel complex.

Pilgrimage of the Virgin of the Cabeza

Location Analytics for mass event management

With our CHT technology and Location & Presence Analytics in the vicinity of the basilica itself, inside it, as well as at its main entrances.

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What´s Next?

Connected tourism. It offers a tourist experience without limits.

Talk to one of our experts and find out how you can leverage Galgus technology to deliver an exceptional experience for your guests, visitors and customers.

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